What is a Trichologist?
Trichology defined:
tri·chol·o·gy or /trəˈkäləjē/
The branch of medical and cosmetic study and practice concerned with the hair and scalp.
What is a Trichologist:
A ‘ trichologist ‘ specializes in hair loss problems such as baldness, thinning, hair breakage, itchy/ flaking scalp, sudden excessive hair loss from all over the scalp, a bald patch which has suddenly appeared, scarring of the scalp inducing soreness, itching, excessive scaling of the scalp.
A trichologist will carefully question and listen to each new client and examine the scalp thoroughly to assess the problem and its cause. A microscopic examination of the hair might be required to aid in the diagnosis of the problem. The trichologist must then decide what treatment is necessary and if or should be dealt with in conjunction with a dermatologist.
Your treatment options are:
- Supplements
- Topical treatments and shampoos
- Microneedling
- Low level laser therapy
- Prescription medication
If you choose prescription medication, you will be referred to a MD and or a dermatologist.